Dopo lo scambio di rincari con il Manchester United (qui dettagli), il Barcellona si ripete con il Liverpool. Nel prossimo match del 1° maggio al Camp Nou, valevole per le semifinali di Champions League, i tifosi ospiti della squadra inglese dovranno pagare 119 euro, il Liverpool in risposta ha fissato lo stesso prezzo per i tifosi del Barcellona che si recheranno ad Anfield e stabilito di sussidiare i propri supporter con 31 euro, frutto della maggiorazione sul prezzo originariamente stabilito per gli ospiti spagnoli.
Per il club spagnolo è ormai una prassi e rientra nella politica societaria rendere particolarmente dispendioso l’accesso al proprio stadio in occasione di match rilevanti per massimizzare gli incassi, prima del Manchester anche i tifosi della Roma lo scorso anno ne avevano fatto le spese (qui dettagli), e non rendersi particolarmente disponibile a trovare compromessi a favore dei tifosi ospiti.
Dopo un primo tentativo di mediazione, che aveva funzionato in occasione del match contro il Porto (qui dettagli), la società inglese ha deciso di intervenire e nel comunicato ha colto l’occasione per ribadire la necessità di un intervento di UEFA e ECA per trovare una soluzione (qui dettagli).
Barcelona charging #LFC fans €119 for tickets for the first leg at the Nou Camp. As a result Liverpool will charge Barca fans €119 for the game at Anfield and use the €31 extra to subsidise tickets for the 4,600 Kopites travelling to Spain.
— James Pearce (@JamesPearceEcho) April 18, 2019
Seeking assurances over Barecelona tie
Following a consecutive great and successful trip to Porto, LFC have reached another Champions League semi-final. This time we meet Barcelona.
Amid the excitement and anticipation of the next two games, those hoping to travel to Spain will have concerns about both the cost and availability of tickets.
Spirit of Shankly, and all fans, are still awaiting full transparency on LFC’s allocation of away credits. And we all know from past experience, and that of travelling Manchester United supporters this season, Barcelona hike up the price of tickets for visiting fans.
Charging 100€ plus for a ticket at Camp Nou is shameful.
SOS are calling on both Barcelona and Liverpool to do the right thing: set ticket prices at an affordable level.
We also ask LFC to ensure as many tickets as possible are available for general admission supporters.
Liverpool statement
Liverpool Football Club can confirm that an allocation of 4,620 away tickets has been provided for the Champions League semi-final clash with FC Barcelona on Wednesday May 1 at Camp Nou.
All away tickets are priced at €119, which is in line with FC Barcelona’s pricing structure for the knockout stages of this season’s Champions League.
As a result, LFC will charge Barcelona supporters a reciprocal ticket price of €119 in the return leg at Anfield on Tuesday May 7. The additional revenue from this higher ticket pricing will be used to subsidise Liverpool supporters for their tickets, reducing the price by €31 to €88.
The club believes parity of pricing is the most logical approach and remains committed to working with UEFA, ECA (European Club Association) and other member clubs with a view to introducing a more structured ticket pricing process for Champions League matches.
Stefano Pagnozzi